The United States of America celebrating a very young African inventor, named Ms. Naya Ellis of New Orleans. The country is celebrating a special health-watch she has invented for people between fifty-five and sixty-five. It is called The Wingitt Watch.

The wrist-watch invented by Ellis will be able to detect if the person is about to have a stroke. The watch monitors the nerve impulses and heart rate. And recognizes the internal signs of stroke.

. She said she first wanted to make a device that would detect seizure. But changed her focus, because of her grandmother’s health.

The truth is that Naya has been interested in science, invention and medicine since she was a child. Her ambition is to be a gynecologist. Ms. Ellis is only fourteen years old.

How many of us agree that you are not too young or too old to inspire others? Especially other females? Please type I agree or I disagree in the comments section below.

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