MISS AFRICA PLUS-SIZE BEAUTY PAGEANT BOTSWANA 2022/23. The plus-size competition in Botswana is heating up. The tickets have almost sold out to select the queen who will represent Africa in Atlanta, United States, next year August 2023.
Before this final selection, however, the winner from Botswana has to participate in the African finale in South Africa in March 2023. Only two spots are available for us to join the global stage in August. So the competition will be very keen. The event is taking place on the 5th of November 2022, in Gaborone.
So far, the process that started with 26 contestants in June, has been reduced drastically to 13! In another two days, the suspense would be over and an able representative will be selected. The current Mrs. Africa World Botswana is expected to be the chief judge.
The contest is open to married or single women between the ages of 25-40. And from dress size 36 and above. There is the jeans and t-shirt round followed by the talents round, then the voluptuous beauties in swimwear, closing with the evening gowns round.
Some contestants