5 Tips To Look Like a Celebrity in Photos

5 tips to look like a celebrity in photos;


5 Tips To Look Like a Celebrity in Photos

Avoid the double chin


  • Avoid The Double Chin – Push your chin out slightly, pull your shoulders back naturally and tilt your face to the side. This raises your head from your shoulder, gives your neck a slender look and you avoid looking like you have double chin in your pictures. It also gives you the superstar look.




5 Tips To Look Like a Celebrity in Photos

Slimmer Arms



  • Slimmer Arms – Make your arms appear slimmer by lifting about 3 to 2 inches away from your body so it appears to be floating instead of being mashed against your torso and making your arms look thicker than they really are.







5 Tips To Look Like a Celebrity in Photos

Sit Upright



  • Sit Upright- If you are sitting when taking a picture, sit upright. Imagine a string pulling you up, such that your chest is high, your back is slightly arched and you appear slender and taller. Turn your lower body away from the camera and the upper body towards the camera, try to make it appear as natural as possible.This way you do not appear to have folds around your waist.






5 Tips To Look Like a Celebrity in Photos

Pose at an Angle



  • Pose at an Angle – To appear slimmer and to avoid looking wider. Slimming your waist lengthening your legs and all round looking fabulous, tilt your body at a 45 degree angle to your side, with your upper body to the camera.






5 Tips To Look Like a Celebrity in Photos

Visible waist



  • Visible Waist – Pose in such a way that your waist is visible. This also makes you appear slimmer and gives the hourglass figure.







Image credit: Photographytutsplus.com/thenaturalfashionista.com/marieclaire.com
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